Glassdome Joins Global Battery Alliance
By Glassdome
Amsterdam, Netherlands (April 18, 2023) – Today we’re pleased to announce our admission into the Global Battery Alliance (GBA), alongside our customers and partners working hard to establish a sustainable battery value chain by 2030. Founded in 2017 at the World Economic Forum, the GBA brings together leading international organizations, NGOs, industry actors, academics and multiple governments to align collectively in a pre-competitive approach, to drive systemic change along the entire value chain.
As a manufacturing data platform, our primary focus within the GBA will be on Guiding Principle #4: Disclosing and progressively decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. These disclosures, once the domain of the most forward-thinking organizations, are quickly becoming regulatory requirements. Both the EU Parliament and the US SEC have released proposals for the imminent mandate of GHG reporting, to include Scope 3 emissions – those released by upstream suppliers and downstream users of products.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), the method of calculating such emissions, has traditionally relied heavily on tables of estimated impact, instead of actual data. Compiled by consultants, the reports also generally have at least a 1-year lag. As manufacturers rapidly improve their efficiency and beat industry averages, more accurate and timely carbon accounting can now be achieved. Since supplier data can be particularly sensitive, using a third-party like Glassdome can ensure that only the required emissions data is shared.
We’re also excited about the Global Battery Alliance Battery Passport Pilot program, where traceability, labor conditions, and environmental impacts are all evaluated and reported to consumers. We expect to see this type of digital product passport coming down the line across other industries as well in the near-term.